On the 23rd July 2024, the college website, maintained by the ICT & Documentation Committee, was awarded the best site in the category of Official Institutional Website at the annual Government Online Excellence Awards 2023-2024 conducted by the Dept. of Information & Communication Technology, Govt. of Mizoram.
At the awards presentation programme held at the Assembly House Annexe Conference Hall where the Chief Minister, Pu Lalduhoma, and Dr. Vanlalthlana, Minister of ICT, were Chief Guest and Guest of Honour respectively, Ms. A. Hmangaihzuali Poonte, primary website administrator, and Associate Professor, English, and Mr. Daniel Vanlaldampuia, Assistant Professor, Mizo, received the award on behalf of the college.
The college had placed second in 2021-2022, and third in 2022-2023. The overall assessment scoresheet may be seen here - result-sheet-for-category-ii-official-institution-website.pdf
And the overall results of the government online awards may be seen here https://dict.mizoram.gov.in/post/result-of-the-government-online-awards-2023-2024
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